Linksammlung: Außergewöhnliche Fotostrecken

Das Internetz ist voll davon: außergewöhnliche Fotostrecken. Einige machen betroffen und nachdenklich, andere sind unglaublich kreativ, wieder andere sind absolut atemberaubend.

DIE ZEIT: NACHKRIEGSZEIT – Im zerbombten Berlin fotografieren üben

Kaum Verwüstung, dafür erschreckende Leere: Der Bildband Berlin um 1950 zeigt Berlin nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Anstatt Nachkriegschaos sieht man aufgeräumte Straßen, sorgfältig aufgetürmte Backsteinhaufen und fein gekleidete Menschen.

12 Beautiful Examples of Guttation

Wundervolle Großaufnahmen von Pflanzen und Blättern die Tau- und Regenwasser abstossen.

Incredible Self Portraits by 14-Year-Old Photographer

14-year-old Zev from Natick, Massachusetts, has taken the photography world by storm with his surreal photo manipulations. Better known by the nickname of ‘fiddle oak’, Zev presents a highly imaginative portfolio of surreal self-portraits, which he created together with his sister Nellie (aged 17). His work seems to mirror the transition from the fairy-tale childhood worlds into those that are way more complicated and still unknown.

22 Unbelievable Places that are Hard to Believe Really Exist

Our world is so full of wonders that new and amazing places are discovered every day, be that by professional photographers or amateurs. Different geographical locations, climatic conditions and even seasons offer the widest variety of natural wonders: pink lakes, stunning lavender or tulip fields, breath-taking canyons and mountains, and other places you can hardly believe actually exist!


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