Das 20. Türchen: Vom Geben


Christkinds wunderbare Reise*


GIVE from Nate Salciccioli on Vimeo.

Blessed are those who give without interest,
Who offer themselves and expect nothing in return.
Hallowed are the places of small sacrifices,
Where the thankless work is done.
Sacred are the acts of true adoration,
For they reveal the heart of the Divine.
Envy not the givers in the crowd earning praise for their generous deeds,
For they have received their reward.
But for those who give in secret; more shall be given unto them.
They shall be called Blessed,
The true saints,
The restorers of streets to dweller,
And life shall be forever theirs.

Titelseite*Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Arena Verlags.
Illustrationen von Silvio Neuendorf aus Jutta Langreuter /
Christkinds wunderbare Reise
©2009 Arena Verlag GmbH, Würzburg

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